Een leuke bespreking van het spel Maestro in het Nederlands Dagblad.
28 december 2016
Spelontwikkelaars pur sang. Van evaluatie van spelmechanismen, tot het doorrekenen van modellen en het beoordelen van grafische elementen.
Een leuke bespreking van het spel Maestro in het Nederlands Dagblad.
28 december 2016
In nummer 2016-6 van Klassieke Zaken Magazine wordt aandacht besteed aan de Maestro spellen!
In het De Doelen magazine (dec-feb) wordt Maestro aanbevolen om te spelen tijdens de winteravonden. Het spel is ook te koop in de Doelenwinkel.
Op de site van staat een verslagje over Maestro tijdens de Spiel.
16 november 2016
Op 12 november waren we aanwezig op het Spellenspektakel in Eindhoven. Zo’n 100 mensen hebben het spel met veel plezier gespeeld!
Het oktobernummer van Sophie is geheel gewijd aan filosofische beschouwingen van het spel en heeft als titel ‘Homo ludens’ = de spelende mens. Het bevat leerzame interviews, bijvoorbeeld met Michaël Bas en Ron Huising, en interessante artikelen van Ronald Meester, Hans Ester, Peter Bosma en vele anderen.
Tevens is aan dit nummer een lezersactie gekoppeld: bij een tweejarig abonnement op Sophie krijgt u het bordspel Maestro music cadeau!
oktober 2016
Op vrijdagavond was het Maestro kwartet te winnen bij het spelprogramma ‘Bel tot 10‘ bij de Reformatotische Omroep.
28 oktober 2016
Een kritische bespreking van het spel door Tom Vasel. Hij geeft een aantal verbeterpunten.
Hieronder mijn reactie op zijn verhaal:
Hi Tom, thanks for your critical review. I would like take the opportunity to explain some of the ideas behind the game Maestro. You are right that there are some points for improvement, some of which are easy to realize within the scope of the current version of the game. These are the following:
* Sometimes there is not enough money at the beginning of the game. As suggested in the manual, you can give all players an additional ½ note or a free instrument at the start.
* With respect to the teasing cards” (b-cards), I discovered that specially kids like these cards very much. They have the same function as the ‘black raider’ in Colonists of Catan. If you don’t like these b-cards, you can simply remove them from the deck. About your point of the flute or trumpet: this is an event that happened in real life: our cousin transported his trumpet on the back of his bike, when at an unlucky moment it dropped on the street and a truck ran over it – in an instant, his trumpet became twodimensional…
* The fiches are made of cardboard. You are right that this is not ideal, but, as with many thinks, that was a matter of money. Wooden fiches would have been too expensive. For the future I can consider plastic cubes. Players who dislike the cardboard fiches could substitute them with items from other games they possess.
* The whole idea of the game is based on the goal to help people understand and appreciiate classical music. This meant that the game mechanism came in second place. If there will be another version, I will write an introduction about the goal of the game. About the yields of the music sheet cards, you are right they are not always in balance, so I will have a serious look at that.
Other points you mentioned:
* About the length of the game: as a starting game author I was not aware of the rule that there is a maximum of playing time. This game takes around the same time as games like ‘Agricola’ and ‘Merchants of Europe’, while it takes much less time than ‘Monopoly’. If people prefer a shorter version, they can stop after for example 120 minutes on the time line, like you suggested (and is suggested in the manual). In that case they should not use the music sheet cards nummer S081 – S140.
* You suggest that playing the game with 5 or 6 people will take much more time, but that is not the case. We tried this at several occasions and the duration was practically the same. This is because there is more money circulating in the game and the instruments are easily available. If you play in teams, the game is even shorter.
* The payment system is the backbone of the game. I have played this game with hundreds of people and they appreciated the system of paying with musical banknotes. You are the third person who says this can be a problem. Even kids, who learned fractions on elementairy school, understand the system very quickly. Why should I use a payment system like Euros (1, 2, 5, 10, 20 en 50), which is prone to devaluation? Only because I invented a system based on musical values, does not mean it is not working. I think that is a matter of taste. What is more, people who don’t like using musical notes can use the colors, which are consequently used in the game – a simple solution. In case I will edit a new version in the future, I will not change the current paying system – as the Dutch saying goes: ‘Don’t throw away the baby together with the bathing water.’
Happy gaming!
Pieter de Boer
24 december 2016
Een viertal nieuwe Nederlandse uitgevers op Spiel dit jaar:
Tijdens Spiel werden we geïnterviewd door Het Ludieke gezelschap. Luister hier het fragment terug (vanaf 59e minuut).